Brake Auto Service
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Brake Auto Service, Honda Auto Service Walnut Creek
Brake Auto Service is one of the most noticeable repairs you can have done on your car. Whether good or bad you will notice, especially on the roads in and around Walnut Creek.
At Mechanic Walnut Creek, we use only factory brake pads to produce smooth performance, no noise, and a factory pedal feel. Mechanic Walnut Creek auto service experts will also machine your rotors to alleviate brake shake and pulsation in addition to helping the new factory brake pads break in. We only use the proper brake caliper and pad lubricants to ensure a quiet, quality brake repair.
With every brake job you will receive a variety of free services including a brake fluid flush, removing air (bleeding) from brake system, parking brake adjustment, rear brake adjustment with front brake repair, lubrication of mechanical brake mechanisms, and cleaning of ABS sensors.
With every brake repair, we at Mechanic Walnut Creek will conduct a thorough auto service inspection of the entire brake system in order to ensure proper function and operation. Every vehicle will be road tested to aid the break in process and to verify smooth, quiet operation.